Bulgur Breakfast and Healthy Habits

Mmmmm…  I am eating the most glorious breakfast at this very moment. 

Last night I forgot to make a batch of Overnight Oats, so this morning I was left to ponder what to  make for breakfast.  Just as I was about to start a batch of Protein Pancakes, I saw it—a container of leftover bulgur from last night’s dinner.

Hmmm.  What could I make with this?  Could I make breakfast out of a dinner food??? 




I took 1 cup of the cooked bulgur, mixed in a smushed banana, large quantities of cinnamon, a swirl of maple syrup, and a dollop of cashew butter.  Stirred it all together and voila! 


Bulgur is a whole grain that  has been eaten since ancient times.  It is actually known as man’s first “processed food.”  However, don’t be afraid to try this healthful grain.  When you think processed in today’s day and age you think preservatives, additives, added trans fats, sodium, etc.  However, bulgur is processed in modern times much in the same way as it was in ancient times.

In fact:

“Many of the wheat’s naturally occurring vitamins and minerals permeate the kernel during cooking thus maintaining more nutritive content than other forms of processed wheat products.” [Source]


I say that if you haven’t already tried bulgur, you should give it a go!  It is wonderful as a side to any dish and can take the place of brown rice or cous-cous.  You can also try Vegetarian Halupkies or Stuffed Peppers

But enough about breakfast.  What I really wanted to talk to you about today is staying healthy with a hectic schedule.

As you may know, the past few weeks have been extremely busy for me.  Don’t get me wrong!  I’ve had a wonderful time traveling all over the state, visiting my alma mater, going on wine tours, watching my brother graduate, standing by my best friend’s side on her big day, closing out the school year, etc., but this continuous go-go-go has not had the best impact on my health.

Most of my meals have been super quick throw-togethers, and my workouts have also been super sporadic.  In fact, I think I have only worked out a total of 4 or 5 times since the second week of June!  My energy levels are low.  I have not been careful about meals and snacks.  And I just plain feel funky!

It is so easy to get out of the workout groove, yet so very hard to return to a regular routine of health and fitness. 

There will always be times in our lives when the daily grind will make it harder for us to stay on top of our game.  However, rather than beating ourselves up over the poor choices we’ve already made, we should just put our best foot forward to get back on track.     

They say it takes 30 to 60 days to make something into a habit.  So, if you want to make daily exercise a habit, then it is necessary to do some sort of physical activity every day for 30 to 60 days. 

I would like to reestablish the regular workout routine that I’ve left in the dust the past few months.  I am challenging myself to 60 days of physical activity.  Because rest is important, some of these workout days will consist of gentle yoga, long walks, or stretching routines.

Here is my Healthy Habits Challenge to you! 

Is there a healthy habit you would like to establish for yourself? 

Perhaps you wish to drink 8-12 cups of water a day?  Or eat 5 daily servings of fruits and veggies?  Maybe you need to get into the habit of flossing every night?  Or maybe, like me, you wish to make daily exercise a habit?

I challenge you to put your best foot forward in trying this habit for the next 30-60 days.  If you would like, leave a comment below letting us know what Healthy Habit you are trying to establish, and we can provide each other with support. 

Here’s to Happier Hearts and Happier Minds!


magnolia Remember, Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be You!!!


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9 responses to “Bulgur Breakfast and Healthy Habits

  1. Tes

    What a healthy breakfast post! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wendy

    2 years ago I made a New Year’s resolution to floss every day and I did it! I am still going strong and my gums are much prettier and healthier because of it. For me the trick to kicking bad habits is to get to the point where it feels strange to engage in the bad habit, like not flossing. At first, it felt strange to floss and now if I happen not to do it in the morning, all day I have this nagging feeling that does not go away until I get home and floss! It’s the same with diet and exercise for me too. I would LOVE to break my bad 3-5pm snacking habits. Does anyone else struggle with this? It’s like most of my day’s calories are consumed in this time period if I really give into it…..perhaps I will kick this habit over the summer…..you go with your 60 days of exercise! You can do it! I’m glad you are planning on the rest work outs. Burn-out is such a harsh reality…….

    • Flossing is something I had to make a habit also. I really hated the way floss felt on my fingers, so I had to buy the threaders that have plastic handles. I’ve read (though haven’t tried) that eating a small salad before making dinner helps to decrease pre-dinner snacking. I have a bad habit of eating Mary’s Crackers and hummus the whole time I’m making dinner then eating a full dinner. I think sitting down to eat a salad would feel more “meal-ish” and could cut down on endless snacking. Any other ideas out there???

      • Alicia

        I too have a problem with snacking between those hours. But I’ve semi-gotten control over it by planning ahead and packing healthy snacks. That way I’ll have some fruit and maybe some Trader Joes Olive Oil and sea salt popcorn or something crunchy and healthy like it, and not as often give into my chocolate cravings. It only works about 75% of the time…but it’s a start!!!

  3. There are so many healthy habits I could choose! Flossing is a big one for me; I try and try and try to get into the habit, but somehow always end up failing…ugh! 😦

    I’ve gotten MUCH better with my water intake, but I could stand to add a few more cups per day.

  4. Jeanie McMahon

    This comes at a time when I have been making radical changes in my life. I am struggling with the constant pain of Fibromyalgia, so taking the bull by the horns as much as I can, I have become a healthy Vegan, swim at least 1/2 hour per day, started communicating again with family and friends, and I am trying to find the blessing in the disease instead of waiting to live my life when I “Get Better”. I am currently reading up on Macrobiotics again; a lot has changed in 25 years!

    • I have heard wonderful things about macrobiotics! Have you read the Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone? Her HERO diet follows this type of plan. I admire your positive outlook and how you have taken your health into your own hands!

      • Jeanie McMahon

        Hi Jen,
        Yes I have Alicia’s book too. I really like the way she introduces change in an easy way. Thanks for your encouragement, I appreciate the kind words.

  5. Alicia

    With my snacking under most control, my healthy habit that I want to make a 100% habit is getting to the gym in the morning EVERY morning. The days I wait until after work to work out, I feel so rushed and stressed. If I go in the am, I can go home and enjoy my evening thus taking care my mental health. Since my gym is near where I work, and that is about 25 minutes from where I live, I’ve decided to make a point to run the 3 mile loop near my home a couple of days a week so I’m not always getting ready in the gym locker room. It saves some evening time of preparation, and I’m mixing up my cardio more. I’ll let you know next week how this goes 🙂

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